Guess Who

I have done something active three days in a row. THREE. In no possible way am I exaggerating when I say this is a record. I have decided my biggest enemy when it comes to keeping up some sort of a routine is the phrase “rest day.” I can’t have rest days. If I give myself one rest day I will inevitably take three which will turn into “next week I’ll get back on track!” 

Tuesday I went to the gym for an hour. Did I do much? No. I ran a 10 minute 45 second mile. Took a catch-my-breath/water break. I did two more miles on the elliptical and 5 miles on the bike. I also did some random arm exercises with some teeny weeny weights. I hid in the corner so no one could judge me and my bright pink 2lb weights. lol

Wednesday me and Knox, the second love of my life, took a 2 mile walk/jog/run thing. I was sore from Tuesday which prevented me from wanting to do 3. Cop out. 

Yesterday I biked ten miles and did more arm exercises. No running for me! I had to read a long article for my class and needed my upper body to be stationary. I did go home and do some little dance/zumba-esque things to some of my favorite songs. On the way home from work I often make up really good work out routines to songs and then once I get home to try it out I always forget them and curse the day I was born. Regardless, It still works and feel like I hurt more from that 30 minutes than the whole hour I was in the actual gym. 

I reaalllllyyyy want to keep up the streak!

Having said this, I am going to a wedding this weekend on a beach in Florida with my bestest friends in the whole wide world from college. Because we will really only be on the beach for one day, I plan to make the most of it. We are leaving tonight after work at 5ish, driving the 6 hour drive down, passing out and waking up bright and early to get in as much sun and fun as we possibly can before the wedding which is early to mid-evening time. I will be with the bride all day too so I assume we will all end up having to get off the beach at about 3 or 4 so she can get showered, blow dried and curled before the big moment. I may attempt to do a brief walk/jog down the beach but I will be barefoot and possibly inebriated. It may very well not happen. Tis a small price to pay to the marriage gods. 

Sunday probably won’t happen at all thanks to being tired, maybe hungover, needing to get actual sleep, and needing to unpack and do laundry before our apartment smells like sweat and seaweed. 

Monday, however, will be epic. Beast mode even. Huzzah!

Happy Friday, folk. 

I Did Stuff!

Yesterday I felt like I needed to jump start this “I’m gonna do active stuff” kick. And I DID! AAHHHH! I ran/jogged/walked two miles, biked a mile and did some arm exercises because why not? I forgot my ear buds so I had a lot of time to think and I decided that I

A: Have no clue what to wear to run in November. I’m pretty sure some sort of moisture wicking something or other is necessary buuuuuttttt I want to make custom team shirts for me, mom and my aunt… and no one does that for a reasonable amount of money.

B: I don’t think I can modgepodge screen print on performance wear.

C: I am also starting to see lots of articles about people bringing gu or special jelly beans or salt packet, etc etc. Do I actually need that stuff or is it another one of those “you need this because we say you do and not because you actually do” types of things. Did sports companies have a industry wide board meeting to discuss how they don’t make enough money off of their customers because all we need is one outfit and some good shoes? Was the result of that meeting the realization that if they put jelly beans in a special package saying it would help you in races that they could make thousands of dollars? If so, it’s working because I want these magical jelly beans just to see what they do. I’m resisting because all the vegan/hippies/thifty folks say honey and salt packets work just as well. Well the fact that I need to bring anything other than water to put in my mouth during this race is news to me. 

D: Why don’t runners ever seem to be carrying anything? Keys? Water bottles? Magical jelly beans? Cell phones? Where do they put it all?! I thought I was 100% certain about buying a spibelt but then I read a review that said Galaxy S3’s don’t fit in them. UGH. 

E: What are shin splints and why does that seem to be the number one concern of everyone when they’re talking about possible problems during a race? 

F: Why can’t I eat cake and drink beer and still be able to train effectively. I eat a mountain of fruits and veggies but I LOVE cake and I LOVE beer. It’s not fair. I don’t think I’ll adhere to this rule. ROAR!